Uniquely designed, this coffeemaker brews a single serving of fresh gourmet coffee at the touch of a button. Because the machine uses premeasured coffee pods, the system is hassle-free, is easy to clean, and guarantees a flavorful, fresh brew each time. The coffeemaker is shaped like a curved cylinder with a round base. Two pod holders are included: a shallow holder that holds one coffee pod for one cup, and a deeper filter that holds two pods for two cups (or one 8-ounce mug). After filling the removable reservoir with fresh water to the 'max' line, the pods are placed in the pod holder and the lid locked into place. A simple push of the 'on/off' button and either of the one- or two-cup buttons starts the brewing process. Up to ten 4-ounce cups can be brewed on one reservoir of water. Cups are not included, but almost any 4-ounce cup or 8-ounce mug will do the trick. All the removable parts--the pod holders, reservoir, coffee spout, drip tray, and metal cup plate--are dishwasher-safe. The coffeemaker carries a 1-year limited warranty and a variety of Senseo coffee pods are available separately where you buy the Senseo machine.